Monday 13 August 2012

Broome ... aahh Broome ...

Beautiful Broome and Cable Beach ... What more can I say ...  

18 degrees south of the Equator, perfect water, multicultural population, plenty of tourists of course, and Roebuck Bay. Gantheaume Point site of prehistoric dinosaur prints in the rocks, visible only at low tide. Chinatown, pearls, pearling history & the Roebuck Bay Hotel - still a popular watering hole.
Premiere screening of "The Sapphires" movie here this week (missed it as we have missed most  events, including writers festivals in both Kununurra and Broome !).
Premiere was at the Sun Picture Theatre, famous outdoor/indoor picture palace from the early days of Broome still in operation.

Toes in the Indian Ocean at Cable Beach and coffee in town whist the car had a good wash to get some red dirt off it ... everyone happy! Quick stop here this time, spent a few days here in 2010, back again another day.